File Archive

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File size:
79 732 bytes (77.86K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 225


                .___________ _|_ ______________________________.
                |             |                                |
                :   bOONDOCKS · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE   |
  . _______ __ _|_ ____             ______           ________  :      _____
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|                                                              :             |
|      hELLFiRE & lSD wHQ! · tRISTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. & iLS aMIGA eHQ!      |
|       tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. /X-iNNOVATiON wORLD diSTRiBUTiON sITE      |
|              dREAMCHARTS, sUNFLEX iNC. & dEViOUS dEZiGNS dHQ!              |
|            -g^sTYLE! & tWISTED wHQ! · pRO aRTS & rOADHOGZ eHQ!             |
|                                                                            |
|                                 mASTERS aRE:                               |
|     -·>s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·aPOLLO·aSTRO·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS<·-     |
|                                                                            |
|     2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP!    |
|                                                                            |
|  +31-(o)-548-54O-653        +31-(o)-548-521-716       +31-(o)-548-521-848  |
|    -·>16k8 dUAL<·-            -·>28k8 dUAL<·-           -·>28k8 dUAL<·-    |
|                                                                            |
l_________._ _                                                  _ _._________|
 ________ |   -·>nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORd!<·-   | ________
|________||                                                        ||________|
          :        uPLOADEd bY kRasNal          oN nODE #02        :
          .   tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: 11:29:24 , 01-14-1996   .
+--                             ---                               --+
|sOF_ | / _                                                         |
     /O o\    Nice ads dudes, but I'm longing for the real stuff! 
.  \   U  _   Some good piece of true art! Come follow me into      .
.   \n___/    the wonderful world of ascii...                       .
|                                                                   |
+--                             ___                            tIX--+

                     t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  i s
                      d e d i c a d e d   t o  y o u;

                          h a v e  f u n . . . .

                  If, you are watching on this collection
                  with the [v] -command at your favourite
                  system I suggest that you like everyone
                  else support my work by using the bbs's

                        d o w n l o a d s y s t e m

                     instead of keeping the nodes busy

.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.·     ·.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
-------------------------------.:·     ·:.-------------------------------
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                          (c) Pioneer design 1996
                               |:·     ·:|
              All members of Pioneer Design are all trying to
              represent a style to call their own. If you by
              any chance find the style that cRL represent in
             this collection to much like yours, then contact
              him personally, instead of writing shit in your
             own collections or even worse in lame .txt-files
                               |:·     ·:|
               It is also important to realise that your own
               style might not be so fucking special as you
                 may think. Remember that before you start
                bragging around. New artists try they luck
               every day, and there are so many collections
              released that it's inhuman to be able to check
             all of them. But we in Pioneer design are trying,
              and that is a hell of job, and if everyone made
               the same, then the ascii-scene would be much
                       friendly than it is today...
                               |:·     ·:|          /cRL
                               |:·     ·:|
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_______________________________|:·     ·:|_______________________________
:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·     ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:

          __________     _________ _____:__ _______ ______      :
      <--_\_  .____/__--_\_  .___/__      /__  _   \     /____--:-->
         \    |      /  \    __    / /___/  / ___   \_  /    /  :

                                c - r e a l

                             m e m b e r  o f

         ______  ____          ____      _____      _____      ______
        _\__   \_\__/_.______./    \----/  __/__.  /  __/__dNo_\__   )___
       /    .__/      |  --  |   \_____/   _____|_/   _____|_/    ._____/
       `----'  `------'------'----'    `----------'----------'----'
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         _\___  \_./  __/__.   /  __/___._\__)_./  __/___./    \----/
        /    /    |   _____|_ _\__      |      |   \     |   \_____/
                        p i o n e e r  d e s i g n

                        _ _______________________
          ______________  _________/   '         \_ ____________
         /    '         \/       /____/           \  ________  /
        /____/           \______/    /_____________\ _________/
            /_____________\                       \_____/
                   · [   n i N E   d E S i G n   ] ·
          ______                                      _ ______________
   ______/     /__________                  _ __________    '         \
  / _____,    / _______  /_______  _ __________ _______ \__/           \
 /_______,___/ _________/_______/_____________/_______   \/_____________\
             \____/  /_______       /       /  sT^\_______\
                           n i n e  d e s i g n

   .    _______ _____   _______ _______ _______ _______ _\  \_  _______
 --|----\_ -___ \_  /-- \_ -___ \_  '   \_ -___ \_  `   \__  /--\___---cRL
   !    `-------^-------^-------^---^-^-^-------^---'---^-------^------'
                              e l e m e n t s

           p r e s e n t s  a  c o l l e c t i o n  c a l l e d

                  _________                _ ______/     /___________
       .----------/        \_________________ ______    / _________ /
      /__________\/_________\___________    /______,___/ __________/
                            \___________,__/          \______/
                       /         /   '         \
                      /_________/___/           \
 __________              _ ______________    _________________
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/______       /   /\        \ _________/_____    / _________/   '         \
     /_______/_______________\___/   /______,___/_____/   /____/           \
                         m a d e  i n  s w e d e n

             f i r s t  w o r d s  f r o m  t h e  a u t h o r



                   requestedlogosaren'tinthiscollection,    .     .
                   thenplizrequestthemagain·ivehadaminor·.. .: ..· .  ·. .·
                   yourrequesteddesigns·sorrybutnothings  :\____·____·· :::..
                   eternal·especiallynotonaa6oo/4ombram!  ·:| `-°/o  \  · :¦:
                                                            | C. \___/ __  |·.
                   ihadplanstokeeppioneerdesignasaoneman   _| _ _______/   l_
                   project·butacoupleofdaysagosomeascii-   \__ Y   \\ \   __/
                   dudescalledmeupat'x-site'+46-4o469286.-.  `------\__)--'
                   andaskediftheycouldjoinpioneerdesign·        xCz


                            / [c-REAL!] ¢ pioneer design
                                             nine design

        e x p e c t  t o  f i n d  t h e s e  l o g o s  t o d a y

                           a m i g a  g a m e s
                           a m i g a  w a r e s
                               a n t h r a x
                             b u l l e t i n s
                         c e r e a l  k i l l e r
                            c i t y  o f  j o y
                            c o n f e r e n c e
                               c r e d i t s
                                  d i n o
                             d i s c u s t i n
                              e l e m e n t s
                                f a t n e t
                        h a l l o w e d  p o i n t
                               h i s t o r y
                                 i n d e x
                               g r e m l i n
                              m a i n m e n u
                               m r  j e t s
                           n i n e  d e s i g n
                              p c  g a m e s
                              p c  w a r e s
                        p i o n e e r  d e s i g n
                               p r e f a c e
                                  r i o t
                              s a l e s n e t
                                s e x n e t
                               s k y l i n e
                               s t r a u s s
                                   t i x
                               x - r a t e d

.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.·     ·.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
-------------------------------.:·     ·:.-------------------------------
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            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: ::::::..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      ::::::
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      ::::::
                               |:·     ·:|
            'amiga-games'  o1/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: ::::::..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      ::::::
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      ::::::
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

                        ____ ______ ___ ______   ____
              +------.--\__  \_ '   \_  \__-  .--\__  cRL
              |      `---^--^--'-'-^---^------^---^--'
              +----+______   ____ ______ ______ ______
                   |\__-  .--\__  \_ '   \_ ,__ \___--
                           a m i g a  g a m e s

                                ·.      .·
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .
                               ¡:·     ·:¡
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...::::.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
            'amiga-wares'  o2/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...::::.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

                        ____ ______ ___ ______   ____
              +------.--\__  \_ '   \_  \__-  .--\__  cRL
              |      `---^--^--'-'-^---^------^---^--'
              |     ______   ____ ______ ______ ______
           ---+---- \_` ` .--\___ \_ .__ \_ ,__ \__---
                   `---`--^---^--^----' `------^------'
                           a m i g a  w a r e s

                                ·.      .·
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .
                               ¡:·     ·:¡
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : ::::::::: |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :::::::::.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:::::::::     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                'anthrax'  o3/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : ::::::::: |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :::::::::.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:::::::::     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

                           __     __
     |        ____ ______ _\ \_  _\ \__ ______   ____ ______
   --+-----.--\__  \_ `   \_ _/- \_ '   \_.___.--\__  \_ ' _ cRL|
     |     `---^--^--'---^------^---'--^---'  `---^--^---`--'---+
                               a n t h r a x

                                ·.      .·
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .
                               ¡:·     ·:¡
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         ::::  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         ::::  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                'bulletins'  o4/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         ::::  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         ::::  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

       ___                                  __
   ¡   \  \___ ______ ____   ____   ______ _\ \_  ___ ______ ______
 --+----\_ \-  \_ '   \_ /-- \_ /-- \_ ,__ \_ _/- \_  \_ `   \___--cRL
   !   `------^------^------^------^------^------^---^--'---^------'
                             b u l l e t i n s

                                ·.      .·
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .
                               ¡:·     ·:¡
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      ::::      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
           'cereal-killer'  o5/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      ::::      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

                 ______ ______ ______ ______   ____ ____
           +-----\ ---- \_ ,__ \_ .__ \_ ,__.--\__  \_ /--cRL-+
           !    `------^------^----' `------^---^--^------'   |
           ¡      ______ ___ ____   ____   ______ ______      |
           `------\_ ' - \_  \_ /-- \_ /-- \_ ,__ \_ .__------'
                         c e r e a l  k i l l e r

                                ·.      .·
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .
                               ¡:·     ·:¡
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |:::::::·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |:::::::·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
            'city-of-joy'  o6/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                     t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |:::::::·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |:::::::·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

 _______ ____ _\  \_  _______   _______ ______       ____ _______ _______
 \  ____ \    \__  /- \___'     \  --   \  __/-.   __\__  \  --   \___' cRL
`-------^----'  `----^-------'  `------^\  \---'  `------^-------^-------'
                            c i t y  o f  j o y

                                ·.      .·
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .
                               ¡:·     ·:¡
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :::     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
               'conference'  o7/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :::     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
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                       (---  c  h  O  O  s  e ---)
   ______ ______ ______ _____  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
 --\ ---- \_ --  \_ `   \_ _/- \_ ,__ \_.___ \_ ,__ \_ `   \ ---- \_ ,__cRL
  `------^------^--'---^\  \--^------^---'  `------^--'---^------^------'
                    c h o o s e  a  c o n f e r e n c e

                                ·.      .·
                               ·.·    ·. .
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                               ¡:·     ·:¡
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
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         :..:  ::::::  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                  'credits'  o8/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
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         :..:  ::::::  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

                                     __     __
                  ______ ______ ____/ /___ _\ \_  ______
     -÷-----------\ ---- \_ .__ \_ / / \_  \_ _/- \___--cRL-----÷--
                 `------^----' `------^---^------^------'
                               c r e d i t s

                                ·.      .·
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                               ¡:·     ·:¡
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        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :::::::
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:::::::
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         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
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                     'dino'  o9/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

                         ____/ /___ ______ ______
               +---------\_ / / \_  \_ `   \_ -  --------+
                        `------^---^--'---^------' cRL
                                  d i n o

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                               ¡:·     ·:¡
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. :::...: :     :
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         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
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               'discustin'  1o/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. :::...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : ::::: ..:...  :
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         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
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             __                                 __
        ____/ /___ ______ ______ ______ ______ _\ \_  ___ ______
   -----\_ / / \_  \___-- \ ---- \_ '   \___-- \_ _/- \_  \_ `  cRL--|
       `------^---^------^------^------^------^------^---^--'---'    |
                             d i s c u s t i n                     --'

                                ·.      .·
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                               ¡:·     ·:¡
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        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
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         :..:  :....:  ...  ::::::::    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                 'elements'  11/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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                               . ·     · .

   .    _______ _____   _______ _______ _______ _______ _\  \_  _______
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   !    `-------^-------^-------^---^-^-^-------^---'---^-------^------'
                              e l e m e n t s

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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
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         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                   'fatnet'  12/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
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                                __                   __
                 _____    ____ _\ \_  ______ ______ _\ \_           .
      :-.--------\_ _/-.--\__  \_ _/- \_ `   \_ ,__ \_ _/-cRL----o--'
                `\  \--^---^--^------^--'---^------^------'
                  \__\          f a t n e t

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         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
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         'hallowed-point'  13/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  i s  o n e  o f  m y  b e s t !
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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          ______   ____ ____   ____   ______ ______ ______ ____/ /
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    !    `---'--^---^--^------^------^------^---'--^------^------'
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    `---------------- \_- __ \_ -   \_  \_ `   \_  /-------------+
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                        h a l l o w e d  p o i n t

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                               ¡:·     ·:¡
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
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         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                  'history'  14/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
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         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

             ______ ___ ______ _\ \_  ______ ______ ______
     ,-------\_ '   \_  \___-- \_ _/- \_ -   \_ .__ \__ ' cRL----÷-|-
     ÷      `---'--^---^------^------^------^----'-^------'
                               h i s t o r y

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                               ¡:·     ·:¡
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         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                    'index'  15/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

                    ___ ______ ____/ /______ ______
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                                 i n d e x

           a n d  n o w  s o m e t h i n g  s p e c i a l  f o r
         a l l  o f  y o u  w h o  e n j o y s  s c r e a m i n g
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             w o r l d w i d e  f r i e n d s h i p  r u l e s
                  m i s p l a c e s  n a z i s  s u c k s

              p e a c e  t o  t h e  b i l l i o n  s o u l s
             r a p e d  i n  g e r m a n y  d u r i n g  w w 2

            p e a c e  t o  t h e p e o p l e  a t t a c k e d
            b y  s i c k  n a z i s & s k i n h e a d s  a l l
                         o v e r  t h e  w o r l d

           p e a c e  t o  a l l  o f  y o u  w h o  s t a n d s
            u p  d e f e a t i n g  t h i s  n a z i s h i t !

             love,peace, respect   / cRL and many with me....

                      now back to the collection....

                                ·.      .·
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                               ¡:·     ·:¡
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      ::::      :....:
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              'the-gremlin'  16/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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                               . ·     · .

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                           t h e  g r e m l i n

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                               . ·     · .
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         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
               'mainmenu'  17/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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                               . ·     · .

           ______   ____ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
   ---|----\_ '  .--\___ \_  \_ `   \_ '   \_ ,__ \_ `   \_ '  cRL---|--
                              m a i n m e n u

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                               . ·     · .
                               ¡:·     ·:¡
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        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
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         :..:  ::::::  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                  'mr-jets'  18/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
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         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  ::::::  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
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                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

                ______ ______     ____ ______ _\ \_  ______     .
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               `--'-'-^----'   `------^------^------^------'cRL
                               m r  j e t s

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                               . ·     · .
                               ¡:·     ·:¡
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        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
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         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
              'nine-design'  19/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        ....  ...... ...::::.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

     ______ ___ ______ ______-+-____/ /______ ______ ___ ______ ______cRL
 -+--\_ `   \_  \_ `   \_ ,__ | \_ / / \_ ,__ \___-- \_  \__-   \_ `
  | `--'---^---^--'---^------'|`------^------^------^---^------^--'---'
                           n i|n e  d e s i g n

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        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :::     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                 'pc-games'  2o/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :::     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
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                              _______ ______
              +--- - ---- - --\_ -___ \ ---- cRL
              |               \__\   ^------
              |     ______   ____ ______ ______ ______
              `-----\__-  .--\__  \_ '   \_ ,__ \___--
                              p c  g a m e s

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        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      ::::      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                 'pc wares'  21/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      ::::      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

                              _______ ______
              +--- - ---- - --\_ -___ \ ---- cRL
              |               \__\   ^------'
              |     ______   ____ ______ ______ ______
           ---+---- \_` ` .--\___ \_ .__ \_ ,__ \__---
                   `---`--^---^--^----' `------^------'
                              p c  w a r e s

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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: ::::::..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      ::::::
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      ::::::
                               |:·     ·:|
           'pioneer-design'  22/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: ::::::..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      ::::::
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      ::::::
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

            ______ ____ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ cRL
      ----- \__ __ \_   \_ --   \_  `   \_ -___ \_ -___ \_  _._-----|--
            \   \-^----^-------^---'---^-------^-------^-----'      |
             \___\                                                  :
                   ____                                             :
               ___/   /_______ _______ ____ _______ _______         .
               \ /   / \_ -___ \___--- \_   \___-   \_  `   --------+
              `-------^-------^-------^----^\  \/ /^---'---'
                        p i o n e e r  d e s i g n

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         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
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                  'preface'  23/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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             ______ ______ ______ _____    ____ ______ ______
     --÷--|--\_ _   \_ .__ \_ ,__ \_ _/-.--\__  \ ---- \_ ,__cRL---÷--|
            `\  \--^----' `------^\  \--^------^------^------'
              \__\             p r e_f\a c e

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        :..:  :    : ::::::::: |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :::::::::.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:::::::::     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                     'riot'  24/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  b y  c - r e a l
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        :..:  :    : ::::::::: |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :::::::::.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:::::::::     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

                        ______ ___ ______ _\ \_
              ..........\_ .__ \_  \_ -   \_ _/-cRL..........:
                       `----' `---^------^------'
                                  r i o t

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        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......::::::: :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  ::::::::    .|..      :    :
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                'salesnet'  25/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......::::::: :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  ::::::::    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
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                               . ·     · .

     ¡    ______   ____ ____   ______ ______ ______ ______ _\ \_
    -+----\___--.--\__  \_ /-- \_ ,__ \___-- \_ `   \_ ,__ \_ _/-cRL--|
     !   `------^---^--^------^------^------^--'---^------^------'
                              s a l e s n e t

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                               ¡:·     ·:¡
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : ::::: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                   'sexnet'  26/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..::::: .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : ::::: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

                 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _\ \_         o
         /-------\___-- \_ ,__ \_ ' _ \_ `   \_ ,__ \_  /-cRL-----|---
                                s e x n e t

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                               ¡:·     ·:¡
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: ::::::..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      ::::::
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      ::::::
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                  'skyline'  27/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: ::::::..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      ::::::
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      ::::::
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

           _______ _______ _______ _____   ____ _______ _______
    +------\____-- \   ' - \___'   \   /-- \    \   `   \  ,___------+
          `-------^----'--^-------^-------^----^---'---^-------'  cRL
                               s k y l i n e

                                ·.      .·
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .
                               ¡:·     ·:¡
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            ::::        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                  'strauss'  28/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            ::::        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

              ______ _\ \_  ______   ___ ______ ______ ______      |
     +--------\___-- \_ _/- \_ .__.--\__ \_ '   \___-- \___-- cRL--+--
             `------^------^----' `---^-^------^------^------'     |
                               s t r a u s s

                                ·.      .·
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                               . ·     · .
                               ¡:·     ·:¡
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  ::::::  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                      'tix'  29/3o designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
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        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  ::::::  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :.:     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

                       |     _\ \_  ___ ______         |
                      -+-----\_ _/- \_  \_ ' _----cRL--|
                       |    `------^---^---'--'        |
                                   t i x

                                ·.      .·
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                               . ·     · .
                               ¡:·     ·:¡
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    .|..      :    :
                       :::     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               |:·     ·:|
                 'x-rated'  last! designed by cRL¢p^d¢nDs¢eLt                   t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n  w a s  m a d e  i n  s w e d e n
            ....               |:·     ·:|
            :..:        ....   |:·.....·:|    .....
        ....  ...... ...:..:.. |::    :·:|  ..:   : .......
        :..:  :    : :       : |::....:·:!. : :...: :     :
         .... :....: :       :.!:... :    : :   : ..:...  :
         :  :  ......:.......:     : :....: :...: :    :..:
         :..:  :....:  ...  :......:    ....      :    :
                       :::     |:·      :..:      :....:
                               !·      ·:!
                               ·.·    ·. .
                               . ·     · .

                                        __                __
                ______   ______   ____ _\ \_  ______ ____/ /
          --|---\_ ' -   \_ .__.--\___ \_  /- \_ ,__ \_ / /-----|---
               `---'--' `----'-^---^--^------^------^------'cRL
                               x - r a t e d

                                ·.      .·
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:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·     ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:

g r e e t i n g s  t o  a l l  t h e s e  w o n d e r f u l  p e r s o n s

  bøøth/ultimo imperio¢pioneer¢xtc/warberger¢splittis¢dixy!¢cenzor¢linkan
  arcane/data division¢xcluziwe/save our souls¢big deal¢kidnix¢black mail
  misfit/whale¢cenobite/epsilon design¢pulse!¢migrÄn¢v-cut!/classic¢odium
  wraith¢hasslan/nine design¢sealapex¢dino/divine stylers¢blockman¢rayban
  rape/destiny¢recall/unique¢tommy!/epsilon design¢trivial/divine stylers
  cereal killer/pioneer design¢stimpy¢strauss/pioneer design¢riot/element
  mr jets/element¢tix/pioneer design¢madman¢viking¢anthrax/pioneer design

       m a x i m u m  r e s p e c t s  t o  t h e s e  a r t i s t s


               c o m p l e t e  c o l l e c t i o n i d e x

   -> re-asco1.txt -> o22856 -> o7/o7/95 -> real mystory
   -> re-asco2.txt -> o34138 -> 12/o7/95 -> real pleasure
   -> re-asco3.txt -> o44556 -> 22/o7/95 -> is this really real
   -> re-asco4.txt -> o2357o -> 24/o7/95 -> real personalities
   -> re-asco5.txt -> o31884 -> 31/o7/95 -> plainful memories vol 1

   -> pls-dott.txt -> o38454 -> o3/o8/95 -> dotties place
   -> pls-hof!.txt -> o42444 -> 11/o8/95 -> hall of fame
   -> p^d-sis!.txt -> o45ooo -> 23/o8/95 -> surviving in scene
   -> p^d-kmw!.txt -> o3o9oo -> 31/o8/95 -> keeping my word

   -> p^d-jlal.txt -> o7oooo -> 1o/o9/95 -> just like a legend
   -> p^d-atsc.txt -> o47134 -> 1o/o9/95 -> and the story continues

   -> p^d-mdm!.txt -> o8882o -> o9/1o/95 -> million dollar mouth
   -> nDs-diat.txt -> o856o7 -> 31/1o/95 -> deserted islands & tequila

   -> p^d-!ts!.txt -> o6oooo -> o6/11/95 -> the sign
   -> nDs-tmts.txt -> o75674 -> 17/11/95 -> t minus 12 seconds

   -> p^d-acac.txt -> o53o2o -> 24/12/95 -> a competitive art-collection

   -> p^d-jaWa.txt -> o595oo -> o5/o1/96 -> jamie walters
   -> p^d-mis!.txt -> o76138 -> o7/o1/96 -> made in sweden

                s o o n  o u t  f r o m  [ c - r e a l ! ]

   -> p^d-    .txt -> !sOOn! -> dd/mm/96 -> ----- ---- -----

       a l s o  a v a i l a b e  f r o m  p i o n e e r  d e s i g n
           a u t h o r :  s t r a u s s / p ^ d / p T L / p F t

   -> p^d-sos!.txt -> 1o4796 -> o6/o1/96 -> skeletons of society

            c r e d i t s  f o r  t h i s  c o l l e c t i o n

        s . o . f !- - - - - - - - -     tix/pioneer design - - - -
        a l i e n !- - - - - - - - -     mark ryder/mo'soul - - - -
        c - r e a l !- - - - - - - -     misfit/whale - - - - - - -
        p i o n e e r  d e s i g n -     dino!/divine stylers - - -
        n i n e  d e s i g n - - - -     strauss/pioneer design - -
        b o r i n g  h e a d - - - -     xclusiwe!/save our souls -
        n o  n a z i - - - - - - - -     xcluziwe!/save our souls -
        e a r t h !- - - - - - - - -     don't have a clue! - - - -
        f i l e . i d! - - - - - - -     strauss/pioneer design - -
        e . o . f !- - - - - - - - -     tix/pioneer design - - - -

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ              ____________     ______
   .........../ ________ /\____/    /\.........
   :piONEER  /  ________/_____,    / / ¹996   :
   :dESiGN  /____/\___/_______,___/ /pRESENTS :
   :::      \____\/   \_______\___\/        :::
   ::·[c-REAL!] oF p^D/nDs/eLT]·             ::
   :·   in yet another collection. this      ·:
   ::.  time called:                        .::
   :::.                · mADe in sWEDEn·   .:::

.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.·     ·.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
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+--                            |:·     ·:|                        --+
|eof                           |:·     ·:|                          |
     x +   Z   ZZZzzz, after a nice and safe ascii-voyage it's
.  _  O    z   nice just to lay down and relax, melting all         .
.   \_/\/ z    impressions from todays finest artists.              .
     U  z                      |:·     ·:|
|              Be cool out there, take care.... / cRL¢p^d¢nDs/eLT   |
+--                            |:·     ·:|                     tIX--+

            -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )-
 __/  __ __/   _ __/   _ __/   _ __/ ___ __/   _ __/   ____/   / __/   ____/
 \_   _  \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_   _  \_____  \_
  /   / ¯¯/  _/   /  _/   /   /   /  _/   /  _/   /  _/   /   / ¯¯/  _/   /
 /___     \__     \__     \__/    \__     \__     \__     \__/    \__     \
 sAl1      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \
   /        \      /________\      /        \      /________\      /
  /          \                    /          \                    /
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             [·dREAMCHARTS·sUNFLEX iNC.·&·dEVIOUS dEZIGNS dHQ!·]
          [·-g^sTYLE!·&·tWISTED wHQ!·]  [·pRO ARTS·&·rOADHOGZ eHQ!·]

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         [-[[ uPLOADEd bY: kRasNal          ]]-]--[-[[ nODE: 02 ]]-]   
     [-[[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: ]]---[[ 11:29:24, 01-14-1996 ]]-]